Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Distinct Species of Orca Identified off BC Coast

Transient whales aren't outcasts -- just a different gene pool
Photograph by: Dave Ellifrit

A threatened population of killer whales that spends much of the year hunting seals off the British Columbia coast has been identified by an international team of scientists as a distinct species, separated from its fellow orcas in Canada and elsewhere about 700,000 years ago.

The whales, known as the North Pacific Transients, have long been understood to have a different prey preference than their fish-eating cousins, as well as subtle physical anomalies, such as a more pointed dorsal fin.

For more in this story click here

-Randy Bowsell, Canwest News Service

Monday, April 26, 2010

Green Travel Choice

This month, TIES has launched an innovative new tool "Green Travel Choice," an iPhone application that gives responsible travelers a simple and effective way to make informed travel choices. TIES and Cleaner Climate have joined forces as partners to launch this GPS-based CO2 tracker developed by Pocketweb Ltd. The application is available now on iTunes App Store.

Click Here to read all about Green Travel Choice!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Emeralds at the Edge Presentation at Science World April 24th, 2010

Bluewater guest Andy Wright will be presenting his “Emeralds at the Edge” slideshow as part of the Green Week festivities at Science World this Saturday (April 24th, 2010) from 1pm-4pm. Also presenting is the Sierra Club who will be showing the film “Code Blue”.

For more information on Science World and the Green Games Click Here
(regular Science World admission applies)